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Fear of flying or aviophobia is a more extensive problem than many us realize. The symptoms of this phobia vary from a butterflies-in-the-stomach sensation to an all-out panic attack, which may well prevent a person from ever stepping foot onto a flight.





Where Do We Start?





It is important for you to realize that you aren't the only individual fighting with this dilemma. It has been said that almost thirty to forty percent of individuals who fly frequently battle aviophobia in varying ways. It is a possibility that the very idea of being thousands of feet up in the air with no immediate control or the claustrophobic feeling of being sandwiched in tight seats among strangers makes people feel uneasy well before the date of the flight. This feeling of uneasiness may well lead to a panic attack by the time of the flight.





The initial step for those looking to get over their aviophobia is to examine their history and to figure out when the fear of flying started or what set off the fear to begin with.





While at times the concern is the direct result of a past bad experience during flying, sometimes it's just the result of having read articles about the increased number of air crashes at any given period. To isolate the cause of the fear is a good first step to coping with the issue.





Confronting Your Phobias





Those who try to cope with the symptoms by obtaining a prescription for valium from their doctors are just suppressing the symptoms and that is usually not an effective coping mechanism for the long-run.









It's a good idea to work with a therapist to deal with fear of flying because therapists can help you establish the actual cause of your problem. As you deal with that problem, they can also help you with calming strategies like deep breathing or meditation to cope with the symptoms of flight-related anxiety. In such circumstances therapists recommend that patients see to it that they confront what they fear. They recommend this as a much quicker way of overcoming aviophobia than reliance on drugs.





One way of confronting one's fear of flying is to willingly sit in an aircraft, while it's on the ground. There are airlines which help people with a fear of flying by allowing them to use it for this type of training or therapy session. These sorts of sessions, where you can get used to the atmosphere of an enclosed cabin and get to know the layout and the feel of walking around in a plane, can go a long way in accelerating the treatment of aviophobia.





Therapy and desensitizing are not overnight solutions for aviophobia but they're tried and tested and in the longer run they have proven to be more effective treatments than any drugs or other quick-fixes.



















If you're interested in finding out more about fear of flying help be sure to take a look at this review of this guide here by: rich presta






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